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Indigenous Rights


Planet Earth

What an amazing, beautiful creation. Over 4.5 Billion years young. Even from Space it looks stunning. A bright blue planet illuminated by a blazing star, in the midst of darkness, in what is known as The Goldilocks Zone. Zoom in closer and I’m in awe at it's beauty, with it's stunning scenery, abundance of animals and plants, that keep this planet alive and healthy. Its the perfect balance, but its also a very fragile one. From the plains of Africa, to the Australian Outback and Polar Regions. From the highest mountains, and stunning beaches, to the depths of the Oceans. Species still yet to be discovered. Everything has a purpose. From every living creature, and plant, to the Sun and the Moon. Its all intertwined, and works in perfect harmony.


 So why are we destroying it?

 Why are we upsetting this natural balance?


 Planet Earth is dying. She's choking, and its our fault, and if we don’t act quick enough to restore this balance, things are only going to get a lot worse. They already are, so maybe we are too late. A plaster will only repair a wound. So it’s going to need more than a plaster, because the Planets life support is failing, as rainforests worldwide are being destroyed. Oceans are warming, and becoming acidic. Polar regions are melting causing rising sea levels, and all this is due to human activity. As the planet heats up the thermometer is rapidly reaching boiling point. She has been giving us plenty of warnings, yet those in power, those who can act, still choose to ignore, and make empty promises that they think will restore that natural balance again. We cannot keep exploiting the Planet’s resources. So let’s harness more of what nature is already providing, by utilizing Solar, Water and Wind. These are all natural solutions, that have been around for those 4.5 Billion years. These solutions are not perfect, but it’s a step in the right direction. Maybe the planet might forgive us and start smiling again, as She takes in her next breath of fresh air.


They Have The Knowledge

 The Indigenous who live off the land, know what to take and how much. Their invaluable knowledge and wisdom is past down by their ancestors, from generation to generation, in the form of dance, paintings, storytelling and ceremonies. The forests and lands provide them with all they need, from food, medicine and shelter. So we could learn a lot from their skills, as they live as one with the forest. They breathe with the trees, and respect the wildlife. They are fully intertwined with that balance of nature. The forest needs them as much as they need the forest.


 Stop abusing Indigenous Peoples Rights, by stealing their land.


 From the Indigenous of the World's Forests. and the Highest Mountains to the Australian Outback and Polar Regions, we must learn from them. Respect and embrace them. But more importantly listen to them.

The Congo Basin's Indigenous Peoples 


 Looking at the Indigenous communities of the Congo Basin, but the situation is the same for all Indigenous peoples worldwide, where they are ignored of their Land Rights, but more seriously their Human Rights.


Baka, Mbuti,

Batwa, Efi

Equatorial Guinea

The Bubi

The Republic of the Congo

Ba'Aka, Mbendjele, Mikaya,

Luma, Gyeli, Tswa, Babongo


Baka, Babongo, Bakoya,

Bughame, Akuala, Akwna

The Central African Republic

M'Bororo Falina, Aka, Litho


Baka, Bagyeli, Bakola, Bedzang

The Forest Is THEIR Home

JMGRACIA100  CC BY-SA 4.0.jpg


The Indigenous Peoples of Africa call their land Alkebulan, meaning Mother of Mankind, and before colonization they had customary land rights, although this has never been documented. 

 After colonization by European Nations, their land became the property of the State, potentionaly rendering them squatters on their own land. Their land has been stolen from them.

 To them losing their ancestral land means losing their identity, and basic Human Rights. Threats to them include deforestation, plantations, oil, gas and mineral mining, dams, National Parks, and infrastructure. 

 They are either forced to sign documents that use legal jargon they do not understand, and are not worth the paper they are written on, or are brutally forced out, if they refuse. Many are murdered. 

 Governments then sell, or lease their land onto private companies, or powerful individuals. The indigenous are given nothing but false promises, or even access to education.

 These are proud people. Proud of who they are and proud their ancestry.

Governments should respect them, learn from them, but above all listen to them, as their voices must be heard, and never ignored.

For more information on Indigenous Peoples by Country, please check out this website. IWGIA.ORG


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